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Annular Solar Eclipse: January 15 2010..
Very Informative Mail.. Plz Dont Miss It..

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The Annular Solar Eclipse of January 15 2010 will be visible across Africa,
the Indian Ocean, India, Sri Lanka, and south-east Asia.
The annular phase runs from 05:13:54 UT, when the eclipse begins
in the Central African Republic, to the end of the eclipse
on the Chinese Yellow Sea Coast at 08:59:01 UT (Universal Time).
The maximum eclipse is at 07:06:31 UT (Universal Time) ,
when the annular phase will last just over 11 minutes.

Note: UT ( Universal Time) is +5.30 Ahead of Indian Standard Time
Remember to see the chart of the times as per ur place by clicking
below link The partial eclipse will be visible over eastern Africa, south-east Europe,
the Middle East, and south-east Asia between 04:05:26 UT and 10:07:33 UT.

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Please note that these maps are approximate. Check with reliable sources
before making travel plans.

This map shows the path of the annular eclipse:

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The annular eclipse begins at local dawn, around 05:18 UT in the Central African Republic,
as the Sun begins to rise eclipsed. The full eclipsed Sun is visible by 05:13:54 UT.
The path is 366km wide here, and the eclipse will last over 7 minutes.

The eclipse then moves east, through the Democratic Republic of Congo,
Uganda, Kenya and Somalia, reaching the coast at around 05:36 GMT.
At this point, the path is 348km wide, and the eclipse will last almost 9 minutes
on the centreline.

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The path of the annular eclipse passes over the Maldives at around 07:24 UT;
here, the eclipse path is down to 328km wide, but the duration will be almost 11 minutes
on the centreline. The track next reaches India; although the centreline
just misses the mainland, this should still be a spectacular sight for
people in the south-west of the sub-continent. North-eastern Sri Lanka
also has a good view, and the centreline just clips land at 07:54 UT.
The path is 323km wide here, and the eclipse will last over 10 minutes.

Note: Please Remember that UT ( Universal Time) Is 5.30 times ahead
of Indian Standard Time.. If Solar Eclipse starts at 7:25 UT Time
it means 12:55 Indian time it is visible.. Please make note of it

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The annular eclipse touches land once more in Myanmar (Burma), at about 08:32 UT.
The path here is 333km wide, but the duration by this time has fallen to
8 minutes 49 seconds. The path then enters China, at about 08:41 UT, and
crosses China. The eclipsed Sun begins to set at 08:59:01 UT; but the remains of
the eclipse will still be visible as the eclipse path reaches the sea
near Quingdao, at around 08:54 UT.

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If you're going to see the annular eclipse,

Eclipse Eye Safety:

The first thing to remember about observing an eclipse is safety.
A lunar eclipse -- an eclipse of the Moon -- is perfectly safe to watch
with the naked eye; you're only looking at the Moon, at night, which is quite safe.
A solar eclipse is potentially dangerous, however because viewing a solar eclipse
involves looking at the Sun, which can damage your eyesight.

This page therefore contains some information on eye safety during a solar eclipse.

The Danger of the Sun

A Solar Eclipse can be viewed safely with the naked eye only during
the few brief seconds or minutes of a Total Solar Eclipse, when the Sun itself
is completely obscured by the Moon.Partial  eclipses, Annular eclipses,
and the partial phases of total eclipses are never safe
to watch without taking special precautions.

Even when 99% of the Sun's surface is obscured during the partial phases
of a total eclipse, the remaining crescent is intensely brigh
t -- just as intense as at any other time -- and cannot be viewed safely
without eye protection.

Do not attempt to observe the partial or annular phases of any eclipse
with the naked eye. Failure to use appropriate filtration may result
in permanent eye damage or blindness!

There is no pain when the retina is being burned, and the resulting
visual symptoms do not occur until at least several hours after the
injury has occurred - by which time it is far too late.

Direct Viewing:

It is never safe to look directly at the Sun except during a total eclipse;
a partial or annular eclipse, even when the Sun is mostly covered,
can still cause permanent eye damage, even though you might not feel any discomfort.
Looking at the Sun through any kind of optical aid (binoculars, a telescope,
or even a camera's viewfinder) is extremely dangerous, and can cause
permanent blindness.

Sunglasses do not provide anything like adequate protection, as
they do not block the wavelengths of light which are likely to damage your eyes,
or reduce the intensity of the visible light sufficiently.
Various other ad-hoc solar filters, such as welder's goggles or using
fully exposed and developed black-and-white negatives, are sometimes discussed,
but unless you know exactly what you are doing, can be
extremely dangerous, and so can't be recommended.

Properly designed solar filters, made and certified to appropriate
national safety standards, should be safe. A commonly available type uses
aluminized mylar, in a dual sandwich with the aluminium on the inside.
(This means that you're actually looking through a double layer of metal.) However,
there does exist a risk with using viewing glasses if they aren't
in perfect condition; if in doubt, throw them away.

Indirect Viewing:

Viewing the Sun indirectly, by projecting its image onto a screen, is far safer.
You can make a projector with a simple pinhole, or with binoculars or
a telescope, as described in Observing Eclipses. However, never look
through the projector -- only look at the image on the screen.

Note that a screen refers to a matte surface, such as a white sheet,
or a piece of paper, so that the Sun's image can be seen by anyone looking at
it from any angle. Looking at a reflection of the Sun in any shiny surface
is basically the same as looking directly at the Sun.

Eclipse Lunacy:

There's been such hysteria -- allbeit well-intentioned -- stirred up about
eye damage, that many people are convinced that it is specifically solar eclipses
that cause eye damage; that is, at any other time of year, looking at
the Sun is OK. This is not true. Looking at the Sun at any time
for more than a second or two can cause permanent eye damage.

Finally, I've heard some truly daft ideas for eclipse viewing, such as
looking through a sheet of Perspex, or in a reflection in a bucket of water.
I have no idea where these come from, but these are not safe!
If you can see the Sun clearly and brightly, whether directly, in a reflection,
or via Perspex, then it's dangerous.

Note: NEVER attempt to look at the Sun through a telescope,
camera, binoculars, or anything else!

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