Hi Group Members, Mr. As Paddy, How are you? I have read your mail and i appreciated your concerns for innocent people being killed in different countries and We can pray for peace in the world, But we have to work for some issues like Saving Siberian tiger from extinction and Bengal tigers from India as we are Left with 1411 tigers we must do something for Tigers to save them from extinction.. But we must feed Tigers and protect them, But not in the way Domestic Animals like cow which is helpless domestic animal is thrown in cruel way in safari of Siberian tigers and watch as way of entertainment. This is not a way to feed Tigers, and such thing is ridiculous and i condemn such thing.. and it is horrible to do in this way and have entertainment watching and capturing on cameras... We must also do good thing and pray for peace in the world.. Yes Many innocent people are killed all over the world. We must also fight for them. and rights of people around the world.. But i request all of you to people signed this mail and forward to all the people So PETA and Animal Welfare organizations come forward and ban such inhuman acts happening in some countries.. Pray for peace and love in this world we already should condemn that for innocent people killed around the world but we need support of all the people to highlight this is very big problem. We all can pray and educate people how to be true patriotic and love for our country.. we must do something to save innocent people being killed from the world. So any one is able to share your views in this i can add and we can discuss it Hope we can do good and bring peace in this world and make this world a better place to live Hassan Ali Group Owner and Moderator Thanks & Regards Hassan Ali Mobile No: 9885290563 Hyderabad India hassanrazvi786@ymail.com 
Please join my Shayariworld and Inspiring Blogs: http://Shaayariworld.blogspot.com/ http://hum-our-tum.blogspot.com/ --- On Thu, 18/2/10, AsPaddy <aspaddy2000@yahoo.com> wrote: From: AsPaddy <aspaddy2000@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: [Hum-Our-Tum] Tigers feeding on live Cow in Chinese Zoo... To: shayariworld@ymail.com, hum-our-tum@yahoogroups.com Date: Thursday, 18 February, 2010, 9:59 AM
Hi Group Members, Good to have feelings for all living things even animals but don't you think and feel it is better to have more for human beings. To stop one bad thing you must provide an alternative. People advocate for saving the Siberian tigers from extinction, so how do you now feed them if not with what they eat. Lets look into what is more important than that. Innocent people are been killed around the World everyday like in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, India, Iraq etc. People incite people against other peolple. People arm who they want with weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and disarm others. It is all these that we should concentrate upon and try to stop. Stop people trying dominating some other people, promote peace and love among people. Teach people the right things; is it more reasonable and human to fight for the rights of animals rather than human beings; you careless about innocent people been killed elsewhere around the World. Lets all think right and work together on the right cause to make the World a better place for all (Human and animal). Because if the people are in peace and love with one another, the animals will feel the genaral peace and love of human beings and not just of some. Lets concentrate on how to make the World a better place for all. Thanks. As Paddy Flag this messageRe: [Hum-Our-Tum] Tigers feeding on live Cow in Chinese Zoo... Thursday, 18 February, 2010 7:46 AM To: "ॐ PRAJIN ॐ" <prajinr@gmail.com>, shayariworld@ymail.com Cc: hum-our-tum@yahoogroups.com
I am so emabrrassed. Damn them four feeding "domesticated" animals to wild beatst. Cant the tigers teke care of themselves? If they want to watch wild animals killing their prey they should come to Africa!!!
Damn them more; who pay for such cruelty and callit "entertainment" DAMN THEM ALL!!!
From: Hassan Ali <shayariworld@ymail.com> To: ॐ PRAJIN ॐ <prajinr@gmail.com> Cc: hum-our-tum@yahoogroups.com Sent: Wed, February 17, 2010 4:13:51 PM Subject: Re: [Hum-Our-Tum] Tigers feeding on live Cow in Chinese Zoo... Hi Group Members,
Well said it is inhuman act watching helpless cow Being attakced by tigers in Zoo in China is really ridiculous and i condemn such thing being taken as entertainment and it is Shame such thing is practised in China as Entertainment.
We must do something to stop this...
I dont know why Peta and Animal Welfare Societies are keeping quite let it sign and forward to all your Friends so PETA and Animal Welfare come to know and can save helpless animals helplessly killed in cruel way in Zoos in China..
Please sign and forward to All your Friends list someone of us can bring this to notice of PETA And Animal Welfare Societies
So they can come forward and do something to save the helpless animals
Please sign and forward to all your Friends and people, lets make a difference so that someone come forward and help this helpless animal.
1: Prajin Ravindran 2) Syed Hassan Ali (Hyderabad, India)
Regards, Prajin
Syed Hassan Ali Group Owner Hum-Our-Tum Group
Thanks & Regards Hassan Ali Mobile No: 9885290563 Hyderabad India hassanrazvi786@ ymail.com  Please join my Shayariworld and Inspiring Blogs: http://Shaayariworl d.blogspot. com/ http://hum-our- tum.blogspot. com/
--- On Wed, 17/2/10, ॐ PRAJIN ॐ <prajinr@gmail. com> wrote: From: ॐ PRAJIN ॐ <prajinr@gmail. com> Subject: Re: [Hum-Our-Tum] Tigers feeding on live Cow in Chinese Zoo... To: shayariworld@ ymail.com, "niki" <nidokidos@yahoogrou ps.com>, hum-our-tum@ yahoogroups. com Date: Wednesday, 17 February, 2010, 2:21 PM
The Siberian Tigers in China are a rare species of tigers. These tigers look beautiful in the wild and not in the wildlife park. It is totally inhuman for anyone to WANT to watch a poor helpless cow shiver at the sight of these tigers. How would any human feel if some other creature ridicules him when he is voraciously eating? The tigers in the park are not capable of hunting for themselves unlike the tigers in the wild; they depend on man entirely to feed them. It becomes monotonous for the tiger to feed only on chicken and cows; these creatures are better off in the wild where they can hunt on a variety of preys. Breeding Siberian tigers does not entitle the zoo to get the right of changing their habitat. It's high time the Chinese Government to realize that the Siberian tigers must be returned to the wild. Feeding of live animals to the tigers makes the park wealthy but not the poor tigers. WSPA is playing a major role in saving the Siberian tigers. Lets join hands and save them.
Please sign in to save them, lets make a difference.
1: Prajin Ravindran 2) Syed Hassan Ali (Hyderabad, India)
Regards, Prajin
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